Margaret Galvan

Email: margaretgalvan(at)ufl(dot)edu
Last updated: July 2024.

Education | Research Interests | Academic Appointments
Publications: Book | Edited Collections | Special Issues | Refereed Journal Articles | Book Chapters
Short Takes | Manuscripts in Preparation | Book Reviews
| Encyclopedia Entries
Awards & Grants | Teaching Appointments & Courses | Instructional Technology Experience
Conferences & Talks: Book Talks | Invited Talks & Panels | Invited Moderation | Organized Panels & Conferences | Classroom Presentations | Presentations
Podcasts | Press Coverage | Service & Organizations | Journal Peer Review
Professional Memberships | Languages & Skills


Ph.D., English with a Film Studies Certificate, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY, 2016.

  • Dissertation: Archiving the ’80s: Feminism, Queer Theory, & Visual Culture, Committee: Nancy K. Miller (chair), Kandice Chuh, David Gerstner, Hillary Chute

M.Phil., English with Distinction, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, February 2012.

B.A., English and International Relations with a minor in French, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 2007.

  • Magna Cum Laude, Renaissance Scholar
    Senior Honors Thesis: “To Boldly Go Where No Man… Exists,” Advisor: Jack Halberstam.

Research Interests

American studies & literature, archival science, comics & graphic narrative, cultural & media studies, digital humanities, feminist literature, gender & queer theory, science fiction, social movement studies, STEAM, technology, twentieth and twenty-first century literature, visual culture.

Academic Appointments

2021 – 2022. Distinguished Junior External Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.

2018 – present. Affiliate Faculty, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

2017 – present. Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

2013 – 2017. Part-time Faculty, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University, New York, NY.


2023. In Visible Archives: Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s, University of Minnesota Press, Manifold Scholarship. Link.

  • Nominated for Eisner Best Academic/Scholarly Work. Link.
  • Reviewed in Archives and Records, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, LSE Review of Books. Link.

Edited Collections
Co-editor with Jeremy M. Carnes & Nicholas E. Miller, Futures of Cartoons Past: The Cultural Politics of X-Men: The Animated Series, under contract with University Press of Mississippi.

Special Issues
2019. Co-editor with Leah Misemer, iNKS, “The Counterpublics of Underground Comix.” 3.1. with co-written introduction, “Introduction: The Counterpublics of Underground Comics.” 1-5. Link.

Refereed Journal Articles
2024. “Interviews with Queer Cartoonists from the 1980s-1990s: Hope Barrett, N. Leigh Dunlap, Rebecca Gordon, Sina Shamsavari,” co-authored with Ansley Burtch, Britney Megnath, Brooke Tymoniewicz, and Julia Whisenhunt, ImageTexT. 14.3. Link.

2019. “Adjacent Genealogies, Alternate Geographies: The Outliers of Underground Comix & World War 3 Illustrated,” iNKS, “The Counterpublics of Underground Comix.” Eds. Margaret Galvan and Leah Misemer. 3.1: 92-113. Link.

2018. “‘The Lesbian Norman Rockwell’: Alison Bechdel & Queer Grassroots Networks,” American Literature, “Queer about Comics.” Eds. Ramzi Fawaz and Darieck Scott. 90.2: 407-438. Link.

2018. “Making Space: Jennifer Camper, LGBTQ Anthologies, and Queer Comics Communities,” Journal of Lesbian Studies, “Lesbians and Comics.” Eds. Michelle Ann Abate, Karly Marie Grice, and Christine N. Stamper. 22.4: 373-389. Link.

2017. “Archiving Wimmen: Collectives, Networks, & Comix,” Australian Feminist Studies, “Archives and New Modes of Feminist Research.” Eds. Lisa Adkins and Maryanne Dever. 32.91-92: 22-40. Link.

2015. “Archiving Grassroots Comics: The Radicality of Networks & Lesbian Community,” Archive Journal, “Radical Archives.” Eds. Lisa Darms and Kate Eichhorn. 5. Link.

2015. “Feminism Underground: The Comics Rhetoric of Lee Marrs and Roberta Gregory,” WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, “The 1970s.” Eds. Shelly Eversley and Michelle Habell-Pallán. 43.3-4: 203-222. Link.

Book Chapters
2024. “Comics as Trans Literature,” The Routledge Handbook of Trans Literature. Eds. Douglas A. Vakoch and Sabine Sharp. New York: Routledge. 419-428. Link.

2022. “Of Anthologies and Activism: Building an LGBTQ+ Comics Community,” The LGBTQ+ Comics Studies Reader: Critical Openings, Future Directions, Eds. Alison Halsall & Jonathan Warren. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi. 68-85. Link.

2021. “Around 1987: Don Melia and HIV/AIDS Comics,” Comic Velocity: HIV & AIDS in Comics, a catalog for Visual AIDS exhibit, Ed. Paul Sammut. 47-57. Link.

2020. “Servants to What Cause:  Illustrating Queer Movement Culture through Grassroots Periodicals,” The Comics of Alison Bechdel: From the Outside In. Ed. Janine Utell. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 214-229. Link.

2019. “From Julie Doucet to Gabrielle Bell: Feminist Genealogies of Comics Anthologies,” The Comics of Julie Doucet and Gabrielle Bell: A Place inside Yourself. Eds. Tahneer Oksman and Seamus O’Malley. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 3-22. Link.

2018. “Gender Theory: Femininities and Masculinities,” A Companion to Literary Theory. Ed. David Richter. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 325-335. Link.

2016. “Thinking through Thea: Alison Bechdel’s Representations of Disability,” Disability in Comic Books and Graphic Narratives. Eds. Chris Foss, Jonathan Gray, and Zach Whalen. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 187-202. Link.

2014. “From Kitty to Cat: Kitty Pryde and the Phases of Feminism,” The Ages of The X-Men. Ed. Joseph Darowski. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 46-62. Link.

2011. “To Boldly Go Where No Man… Exists,” Comment rêver la science fiction à présent?, Collected anthology of works from the July 2009 Cerisy-la-Salle conference.

Short Takes
2024 (forthcoming). “X-Women: An Incomplete History of the Girls Who Built Worlds,” Futures of Cartoons Past: The Cultural Politics of X-Men: The Animated Series, Eds. Jeremy M. Carnes, Margaret Galvan, & Nicholas E. Miller. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.

2023. “Introduction to Sharon Rudahl’s ‘Die Bubbeh,'” Bodies and Borders in Jewish Women’s Comics. Ed. Heike Bauer, Andrea Greenbaum & Sarah Lightman. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. 63-69. Link.

2022. “Finding Feminist Comics Histories in Grassroots Periodicals,” American Periodicals, “New Approaches to Comics in Periodicals.” Eds. Felix Brinker & Alex Beringer. 32.2: 121-127. Link.

2021. “Archive,” Keywords in Comics Studies. Eds. Ramzi Fawaz, Deborah Whaley, and Shelley Streeby. New York: NYU Press, 24-27. Link.

2020. “How can reader letters visualize community?,” “Reading Comics at the Threshold” academic roundtable for The Middle Spaces. Eds. Osvaldo Oyola & Leah Misemer. Link.

2017. “Connecting Comics and Zines in Queer Constellations at QZAP,” From the Punked Out Files of the Queer Zine Archive Project #3. Ed. Milo Miller, 34-40. Link.

Manuscripts in Preparation
Comics in Movement, second book project. Link.

“Making Lesbians Visible: Recovering the Social History of the 1990s Lesbian Comics Boom,” essay accepted to Feminist Formations.

“Epistolary Networks in 1990s Comic Zines,” Making Queer Comics. Eds. Rachael Ryerson and Francesca Lyn. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.

Book Reviews
2024 (forthcoming). “Queer Forms by Ramzi Fawaz,” Modern Fiction Studies.

2017. “How Come Boys Get to Keep Their Noses?” by Tahneer Oksman, in iNKS 1.3. 401-403. Link.

2016. Remembered Reading by Mel Gibson, in CritCom. Link.

2013. My Dirty Dumb Eyes by Lisa Hanawalt, in Cleaver Magazine. Link.

2009. The Women’s Warrior Society by Lois Beardslee, in Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources. Link.

Encyclopedia Entries
2012. “Lucky by Gabrielle Bell,” Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Independents & Underground Classics. Eds. Bart H. Beaty & Stephen Weiner. Salem Press. 525-529.

2012. “Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi,” Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Independents & Underground Classics. Eds. Bart H. Beaty & Stephen Weiner. Salem Press. 230-234.

Awards & Grants

2024. Eisner Nomination, Best Academic/Scholarly Work for In Visible Archives, San Diego Comic Con International, San Diego, CA. Link.

2023. Honorable Mention, Comics Studies Society Article Prize for “Of Anthologies and Activism: Building an LGBTQ+ Comics Community.” Link.

2023. Research Support Grant, Schlesinger Library, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, Cambridge, MA.

2023. Publication Subvention Program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (Rothman Endowment), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

2023. Lucy Shelton Caswell Research Award, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Link.

2022-2024. Faculty Travel Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

2022. Charles T. Woods Faculty Grant, Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Link.

2022. Publication Subvention Program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (Rothman Endowment), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

2021-2023. Junior Fellow of the Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography (SoFCB) at Rare Book School (RBS), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Link.

2021-2022. Distinguished Junior External Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. Link.

2021. Course Enhancement Grant, Center for European Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

2021. Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Link.

2020. Honorable Mention, 2018-19 Article Prize from the Research Society for American Periodicals (RSAP) for “‘The Lesbian Norman Rockwell’: Alison Bechdel & Queer Grassroots Networks.”

2019. Global Fellows Program, University of Florida International Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Link.

2018. Crompton-Noll Essay Prize of the GLQ Caucus of the MLA for “‘The Lesbian Norman Rockwell’: Alison Bechdel & Queer Grassroots Networks.” Link.

2018. Runner-Up, Norman Foerster Prize contest for best essay published annually in American Literature for “‘The Lesbian Norman Rockwell’: Alison Bechdel & Queer Grassroots Networks.” Link.

2018. Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Link.

2017. Florence Howe Award for feminist scholarship in the field of English for “Archiving Wimmen: Collectives, Networks, & Comix” in Australian Feminist Studies, Women’s Caucus for the Modern Languages.

2017. Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) Summer Residency Project, Milwaukee, WI.

2016. Grant Participant, Beyond the Riot, Five Colleges, Amherst, MA.

2016. The Monette Prize for the Best Dissertation in Lesbian/Gay Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2016. Travel-to-Collections Grant, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA.

2016. Mary Lily Research Grant, Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, Duke University, Durham, NC. Link.

2016. American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Travel Grant, Cambridge, MA.

2015. New York City Digital Humanities (NYCDH) Graduate Student Digital Project Award, New York, NY. Link.

2015. Advanced Research Collaborative Knickerbocker Award for Archival Research in American Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2015. Modern Language Association (MLA) Travel Grant, Vancouver, BC.

2014. Knowledge Grant for OpenCUNY, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2014. Doctoral Student Research Grant, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2014. Advanced Research Collaborative Knickerbocker Award for Archival Research in American Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY. Link.

2013. Creation of OpenCUNY Coordinator for Organizing & Action position, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2013. Gloria Anzaldúa CMAS-Benson Latin American Collection Short-Term Research Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Link.

2013. Advanced Research Collaborative Knickerbocker Award for Archival Research in American Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY. Link.

2012. Doctoral Student Research Grant, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2010. Doctoral Student Research Grant, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2008-2014. Sue Rosenberg Zalk Student Travel & Research Award, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

2008-2011. Chancellor’s Fellowship, The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Teaching Appointments & Courses

University of Florida, Department of English, Assistant Professor
Graduate seminars:
Graphic Archives (1 section, Spring 2018, Spring 2021, Spring 2024)
Queer Comics (1 section, Spring 2020, Spring 2023)
Seeing Differently: Comics & Identity (1 section, Spring 2019)

Honors undergraduate seminars:
Comics Studies, Now & Then (1 section, Spring 2020)

Upper-division undergraduate courses:
American Women in Comics (1 section, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Spring 2023)
Feminist and Queer Science Fiction (1 section, Spring 2024)
Graphic Archives (1 section, Fall 2023)
Intersectionality: Theory & Visual Rhetoric (1 section, Spring 2019, Fall 2023)
Politics & Comics (1 section, Spring 2018)
Print Histories in the 20th and 21st Centuries (1 section, Fall 2024)
Queer Comics (1 section, Fall 2019, Fall 2022)
Queer Theory & Media (1 section, Fall 2017)
Seeing Differently: Comics & Identity (1 section, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2024)

Macaulay Honors College, CUNY, Senior Instructional Technology Fellow
Upper-level Macaulay Seminars (1-2 sections each semester, Fall 2015 – Spring 2017)

Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College, CUNY, Senior Instructional Technology Fellow
Planning the Future of New York (1 section, Spring 2015)
The Peopling of New York (1 section, Spring 2015)
Science and Technology in New York City (1 section, Fall 2014)
The Arts in New York City (1 section, Fall 2014)

New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Part-time Faculty
First-Year Research Seminar: The Rise of Graphic Archives (1 section each spring, 2014 – 2017)
First-Year Writing Seminar: Community & Collaboration (1 section each fall, 2013 – 2016)

Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College, CUNY, Instructional Technology Fellow
Planning the Future of New York (1 section each spring, 2012 – 2014)
The Peopling of New York (1 section each spring, 2012 – 2014)
Science and Technology in New York City (1 section each fall, 2011 – 2013)
The Arts in New York City (1 section each fall, 2011 – 2013)

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, Graduate Teaching Fellow (Sole Instructor)
American Literature: Conflict and the Other (2 sections, Spring 2011)
Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Reconsidering Community (2 sections, Fall 2010)
Exploring Writing across the Disciplines: Ever-New New York (1 section, Summer 2010)
Exploring Writing across the Disciplines: Writing on the Body (2 sections, Spring 2010)
Exploration and Authorship: An Inquiry-based Writing Course: Always Already the Apocalypse (2 sections, Fall 2009)

Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, Adjunct Instructor
English Composition I: New York Neighborhoods (2 sections, Fall 2008)

Instructional Technology Experience

Assistant Developer, Development Team, CUNY Academic Commons, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, Fall 2016 – Summer 2017.

Senior Instructional Technology Fellow, Macaulay Honors College, CUNY, New York, NY, Fall 2014 – Summer 2017.

Instructional Technology Fellow, Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College, CUNY, Brooklyn, NY, Fall 2011 – Spring 2014.

Coordinator for Education & Support, OpenCUNY, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, Dec. 2010 – June 2016.

Webpage designer, Adjunct Project, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, 2010.

Conferences and Talks

Book Talks
2024. “Lion’s Tooth & QZAP present an evening with Margaret Galvan,” Lion’s Tooth, Milwaukee, WI. May 18.

2024. “Alison Bechdel’s Queer Comics Creating Community,” University of North Texas, Denton, TX. March 26.

2024. “Alison Bechdel and the Queer Art of Creating Community,” University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. March 21.

2024. “Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s Public Drawing,” University of Illinois Springfield, Springfield, IL, March 6. Virtual.

2024. “A Conversation with Margaret Galvan about In Visible Archives,” Stonewall National Museum & Archives, Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 23. Virtual. Link.

2024. “In Visible Archives Book Talk,” Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Tech Speaker Series, McGill University, January 16. Virtual. Link.

2024. “In Visible Archives Book Party,” discussion with Alison Fraser, Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography, January 11. Virtual.

2023. “Meet the Author: Margaret Galvan,” discussion with Kenneth Kidd, Third House Books, Gainesville, FL, December 6.

2023. “New Feminist Books with Margaret Galvan and Livia Arndal Woods,” discussion with Livia Arndal Woods, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, October 27.

2023. “The Editor and Pedagogue: Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s Public Drawing,” Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, October 20.

2023. “In Visible Archives Conversation,” discussion with Juliana Kubala, Charis Books & More, Atlanta, GA, October 7. Link.

2023. “The Comics Visionaries: Lee Marrs’s and Roberta Gregory’s Underground Feminism,” New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium, New York, NY, September 5. Virtual. Link.

Invited Talks & Panels
2024. Panelist, “Who Is Preserving LGBTQ+ History?,” Wiki Education, June 17, Virtual. Link.

2024. Panelist, “Censorship and the Comic Book: Seduction of the Innocent at 70,” Library of Congress, Washington, DC, June 6, Virtual. Link.

2023. Panelist, “LGBTQ Archives,” Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, October 12. Virtual.

2023. Panelist, “Comics in the Digital Age,” Swarthmore College Libraries, Swarthmore, PA, September 20.

2023. Keynote, “Recovering the Forgotten Forms & Communities of Queer Comics,” Canadian Society for the Study of Comics, York University, Toronto, ON. May 27-28.

2022. Panelist, “Jewish Women in Comics,” Center for Jewish Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. November 30. Link.

2022. Panelist, “Publishing Your First Book,” Critical Digital Humanities Initiative, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. November 18. Virtual.

2022. Invited Talk, “Making Lesbians Visible: Recovering the Social History of the 1990s Lesbian Comics Boom,” Ringling College, Sarasota, FL. September 9. Link.

2021. Panelist, “No Straight Lines & Archiving Queer Comics History: A Conversation with Justin Hall & Margaret Galvan,” San Francisco Zine Fest, San Francisco, CA, August 28. Virtual. Link.

2021. Panelist, “LGBTQ+ and Comics,” discussion with andré m. carrington, Justin Hall, Nic Gitau, Mariko Tamaki, Michigan State University Comics Forum, East Lansing, MI, February 27. Virtual. Link.

2020. Panelist, “‘The Lesbian Norman Rockwell’: Alison Bechdel & Queer Grassroots Networks,” Research Society for American Periodicals Article Prize Roundtable, American Literature Association, San Diego, CA, May 21-24. Delivered digitally at RSAP 2020 Online, due to COVID-19 pandemic.

2019. Invited Talk, “Feminism Underground in Comix of the 1970s,” Americanist Lecture Series, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, April 25. Link.

2018. Panelist, “Comics Activism,” discussion with Laurenn McCubbin, Leah Misemer, and Whit Taylor, Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC) Symposium, Columbus, OH, September 29.

2017. Panelist, “Queer Studies & LGBTQ Representation in Comics,” discussion with Ramzi Fawaz, Phil Jimenez, and Jennifer Camper, Strand Book Store, New York, NY, March 22. Link.

2015. Panelist, “El Mundo Zurdo 2015: Memoria y Conocimiento, Interdisciplinary Anzalduan Studies—Archive, Legacy, and Thought,” roundtable, Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa (SSGA), University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, May 30.

2015. Panelist, “Comics: Underground and Above: The Story of Kitchen Sink Press,” with James Danky, Denis Kitchen, Howard Cruse, and David Hajdu, Columbia University Libraries, New York, NY, April 13. Link.

2014. Panelist, “Comics @CUNY: Exploring the Role of Comic Books in Teaching and Research,” The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, October 9.

2014. Panelist, “Where and How to Watch Out for Dykes,” “Lesbian Archives” roundtable, Radical Archives Conference, New York University, Asian/Pacific/American Institute, New York, NY, April 12. Link.

2014. Panelist, “Queer Theory Responses” roundtable, Queer Internet Studies Conference, Columbia University School of Journalism, New York, NY, April 4. Link.

2011. Panelist, “Playing (Apocalyptic) Dress-Up: Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers,” on the “Graphic Novels” panel, 9/11 and Children Retrospective, The Academy for Critical Incident Analysis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, New York, NY, July 21.

Invited Moderation
2024. “No Straight Lines Discussion,” discussion with Justin Hall, Ajuan Mance, Lee Marrs, Gaia Wxyz,” Pride in Panels: SF Queer Comics Fest, San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA, February 18.

2022. “Geography, Media, and Queer Community Formation,” Critical Digital Humanities International Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. September 30-October 1. Virtual.

2022. “Film as Interlocutor: Representing Queerness through the Film, No Straight Lines: The Rise of Queer Comics,” Queer History Conference 2022, San Francisco, CA, June 12-15.

2022. “Desire Without End: On the Queer Imagination of Sequential Art,” keynote conversation featuring Ramzi Fawaz, Exploring the In-Betweens: Comics in Flux, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, May 20. Virtual.

2016. “Talking 7 Miles a Second,” discussion with James Romberger and Marguerite Van Cook, Flame Con 2, New York, NY, August 20.

2016. “Wimmen’s Comix Retrospective,” discussion with Phoebe Gloeckner, Diane Noomin, Leslie Sternbergh, and Jennifer Camper, Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA) Arts Fest 2016, New York, NY, April 2-3. Link.

2014. “How Comics Are Queer,” discussion with Howard Cruse, Edie Fake, Justin Hall and L. Nichols, Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA) Arts Fest 2014, New York, NY, April 5. Link.

Organized Panels & Conferences
2024. “Let’s Talk About Sexuality: Lesbian Cartoonist Zine Subcultures in the 1990s” on the “Visualizing Survival: Recovering a Queer History of Comics” panel, Queer History Conference, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, June 10-13.

2023. “Daniel Sotomayor: HIV/AIDS Activist and Editorial Cartoonist,” on the “Queer Comics of Color” roundtable, Comics Studies Society (CSS) Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, July 27-29.

2023. “Comics and the Making of Queer Communities,” organizer & roundtable presider, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 5-8.

2022. “Manga’s Global Influence,” organizer & roundtable presider, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Washington, DC, January 6-9. Virtual.

2021. “New Flashpoints in Comics History,” organizer & roundtable presider, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, January 7-10. Virtual.

2020. “A Decade in Comics,” organizer & roundtable presider, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Seattle, WA, January 9-12.

2019. “Anthologizing the Archives: Building a Community for LGBTQ Comics” on the “Archival Anxieties: The Politics of Comics Preservation” roundtable, Comics Studies Society (CSS) Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, July 25-27.

2018. “AIDS Activism in Comics Communities” on the “Graphic Resistance: Comics and Social Protest” roundtable, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, New York, NY, January 4-7.

2017. “Recuperating Feminist Networks: Alison Bechdel and Grassroots Politics” on the “As Difficult as We Please: Doing Digital Histories of Gender and Sexuality” panel, Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, June 1-4.

2017. “Archiving Wimmen: Collectives, Networks, & Comix” on the “Archived Communities: Feminist and Queer Politics in Periodicals of the 60s, 70s and 80s” panel, Summoning the Archive: A Symposium on the Periodical, Printed Matter, and Digital Archiving, New York University, Institute for Public Knowledge, New York, NY, May 11-13.

2017. “Archiving Wimmen” on the “Trespassing on Boundaries with Women’s Archives” roundtable, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8. Link.

2016. “Student-Centered Approaches to Developing Visual Frameworks” on the “Reading Visual Cultures” seminar, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 17-20. Link.

2016. “Alternate Geographies, Adjacent Genealogies: World War 3 Illustrated & Underground Comix” on the “The Counterpublics of Underground Comix” roundtable, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Austin, TX, January 7-10. Link.

2015. “Danger in the Pleasure of the Image: The Feminist Sex Wars and Visual Discourse” on the “Feminism and Archives: Negotiating Precarity” panel, National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 12-15. Link.

2014. “Feminism & the Archive,” panel with Meredith Benjamin, Kate Eichhorn, and Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, September 12.

2013. “Re-Understanding Comics,” organizer & panel presider, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Boston, MA, January 3-6. Link.

2010. Conference co-chair, “Spanking and Poetry”: A Conference on Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, Feb. 25-26. Link.

Classroom Presentations
2024. “Media History: Comics,” undergraduate seminar, Professor Justin Hall, California College of the Arts. San Francisco, CA, February 20.

2024 . “Art + Pride: LGBTQ+ Student Art,” public event respondent, Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL, January 11.

2022. “Women Writing Witness,” graduate seminar, Professor Nancy K. Miller, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, October 27. Virutal.

2022. “Women’s Writing & Pedagogy,” graduate seminar, Professor Marsha Bryant, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, March 15. Virtual.

2022. “Reading Comics,” undergraduate seminar, Professor Scott Bukatman, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, March 1.

2021. “Animating Archives: Seminar on Archival Research, Methods, and Use,” graduate seminar, Professor Hadji Bakara, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 12. Virtual.

2020. “Dissertation Workshop,” graduate seminar, Professor Nancy K. Miller, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, November 18. Virtual.

2020. “Graphic Medicine Workshop,” co-presentation with Ariel Pomputius, American Medical Student Association, Genders and Sexualities in Medicine committee, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 20.

2019. “Senior Seminar on Comics and Graphic Novels,” upper-division undergraduate seminar, Professor Roger Whitson, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, September 30. Virtual.

2018. “Folklore & Folk Art,” upper-division undergraduate seminar, Professor Jeremy Stoll, Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, Ohio, September 27.

2018. “Introduction to Comics & Narrative Practice,” lower-division undergraduate seminar, Professor Rachel Miller, Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, Ohio, September 27.

2017. “Archive Stories: HACU Research Seminar,” upper-division undergraduate seminar, Professor Michele Hardesty, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, November 8. Virtual.

2016. “Beyond the Riot: Zines in Archives and Digital Space,” upper-division undergraduate seminar, Professors Michele Hardesty and Alana Kumbier, Five Colleges, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 25. Virtual.

2024. “Feminist Trash: Recovering a History of Comics as Lesbian-Feminist Media,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Conference, Boston, MA, March 14-17.

2023. “Aesthetics of Lesbian Sociality” roundtable, American Studies Association (ASA) Conference, Montréal, QC, November 2-5.

2023. “Early Trans Comics Histories,” International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, April 20-22.

2022. “Making Queer Women Visible: Recovering the Social History of the 1990s Lesbian Comics Boom,” National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, Minneapolis, MN, November 10-13. Unable to deliver, travel canceled due to Hurricane Ian.

2021. “Recuperating Feminist and Queer Comics Histories through Data Visualization” on the “Queer Archival Politics: Making and Digitally Remediating Queer Life and Histories” panel, Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Conference, March 17-21. Virtual.

2020. “Recuperating Feminist and Queer Comics Histories through Data Visualization” on the “Queer Archival Politics: Making and Digitally Remediating Queer Life and Histories” panel, Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Conference, Denver, CO, April 1-5. Unable to deliver, conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

2020. “Recuperating Feminist and Queer Comics Histories through Data Visualization” on the “Data and Justice” panel, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Seattle, WA, January 9-12.

2019. “Building a Cohort for Protest: Lesbians Cartoonists in Gay Comix” on the “Print Objects: Resisting the Status Quo in Feminist Publishing” panel, National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 14-17.

2019. “New Directions in Comics Pedagogy” roundtable, Comics Studies Society (CSS) Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, July 25-27.

2019. “Holding Lines: Comics Confront AIDS” roundtable, Queers & Comics Conference, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, May 17-18.

2019. “Archives to Watch Out For: Alison Bechdel in Grassroots Periodicals” on the “Inside the Archives” roundtable, Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Brooklyn, NY, May 9.

2019. “Finding Feminist Comics Histories in Grassroots Periodicals” on the “Archives of Images, Archives of Texts: Comics As Sources for Historical Research” joint panels, Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Historical Association (AHA) Conferences, Chicago, IL, January 3-6.

2018. “Visualizing Feminist Futures through Comics in Feminist Periodicals” on the “Publishing Feminist Futures” panel, National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 8-11.

2018. “Zines, Periodicals, & Porn Mags: Missing Locations for Women’s Comics” on the “Rewriting Women in Comics Studies” panel, Comics Studies Society (CSS) Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL, August 9-11.

2018. “Spinning Comics Studies: A Recent Hire’s Perspective” on the “Where Are the Comics Studies Jobs” panel, Comics Studies Society (CSS) Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL, August 9-11.

2017. “Digital Transformations: Scholarship and the Public Sphere,” National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 16-19.

2017. “Servants to What Cause: Illustrating Queer Movement Culture through Grassroots Periodicals,” International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, November 2-4.

2017. “Danger in the Pleasure of the Image” on the “Visualizing BDSM” panel, American Literature Association, Boston, MA, May 25-28.

2017. “‘I’m getting too good to ignore’: The Feminist Politics of Sharon Rudahl’s Dystopian Comics” on the “Alien Lines: Science Fiction Comics” panel, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8. Link.

2016. “Recuperating Queer Networks: Alison Bechdel & Grassroots Politics,” Queer Circuits in Archival Times Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, May 20. Link.

2016. “Grassroots Dykes, Alison Bechdel, and the Histories of LGBTQ Print Media,” Gay American History @ 40 Conference, The New School, New York, NY, May 5-6. Link.

2016. “Mapping and Networking Alison Bechdel to Grassroots Periodical Culture, 1983-2008,” NYCDH Panel, Week of DH, Fordham University, New York, NY, February 9.

2015. “Feminism in Action: In the Streets, On the Page, Within the Archive,” Second Annual Early Research and Scholarship Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, September 25.

2015. “Visualizing Grassroots Feminist Networks of the 1970s and 1980s,” Women’s History in the Digital World Conference, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, May 21-22. Link.

2015. “Necessary Networks, Real Identities: The Digital and the Analog in the Writing Classroom, Feminist Theory and Pedagogical Practice,” Feminist Pedagogy Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, April 17. Link.

2015. “Bridging Forms: The Untamed Image in Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s Archive,” on the “Queer Counter-archives” panel, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Vancouver, BC, January 8-11. Link.

2014. “Watching Out for Dykes in Activist Archives and Special Collections,” Archival Research Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, September 5. Link.

2014. “Redrawing Crip Affinities: Alison Bechdel’s Representations of Disability,” Graphic Medicine Conference, Johns Hopkins Medical Campus, Baltimore, MD, June 26-28. Link.

2014. “Collaboration as Consciousness-raising: The Bodies of Feminism in Wimmen’s Comix,” on the “Collaboration in Comics” panel, Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Chicago, IL, January 9-12. Link.

2013. “Crowd(sourc)ing the Page: The Impact of Technology & Community on the Comics Form,” Illustration, Comics, and Animation Conference, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, April 19-21. Link.

2013. “The Form of Friendship: Collectivizing Autobiography of Contemporary Brooklyn Women Comics Artists,” on the “Don’t Tell Me to Do the Math” seminar, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, April 4-7. Link.

2013. “‘The Frontlines of the Sex Wars:’ Sexuality & Feminism in Women’s Underground Comix,” A Comic of Her Own Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, March 15-17. Link.

2013. “Theorizing a Public Web,” Theorizing the Web Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, March 1-2.

2012. “Underground Relations: 1970s Women Comics Artists and the Digital Archive,” Society for Utopian Studies Conference, Toronto, CA, October 4-7. Link.

2012. “Horizontal Horizontal Relations: Coupling in Nan Goldin’s The Ballad of Sexual Dependency,” on the “Love in Crisis, Love as Crisis, Love against Catastrophe II” seminar,  American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Conference, Brown University, Providence, RI, March 29-April 1. Link.

2012. “Bodies at the Crossroads: Latinas’ Latina Graphic Narratives,” Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Seattle, WA, January 5-8. Link.

2011. “Fostering Student-Based Media: A Look at the Academic Medium,” CUNY IT Conference, John Jay College, New York, NY, December 2. Link.

2011. “‘Everybody has found you out at last, you old bitch!’: Katharine Hepburn and the Archival Body,” Society for Utopian Studies Conference, College Park, PA, October 20-23.

2010. “Can We Get Beyond the Borderland?: A Search for Native Utopia in Urban Spaces,” Midwest Modern Language Association (M/MLA) Conference, Chicago, IL, November 4-7. Link.

2010. “Can We Get Beyond the Borderland?: A Search for Native Utopia in Urban Spaces,” Society for Utopian Studies Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 28-31.

2010. “Bodily Apocalypse: Trans Embodiment in Angela Carter’s The Passion of the New Eve,” Queer Studies Conference, University of California, Los Angeles , Los Angeles, CA, October 8-9. Link.

2010. “Bordered and Undone: The Instability of Bodies Reframed in Graphic Memoir,” Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Conference, Montréal, Canada, April 7-11.

2009. “To Boldly Go Where No Man… Exists,” Comment rêver la science fiction à présent?, Cerisy-la-Salle, France, July 20-30.

2009. “Abject Figures as Saviors: Gender Dystopias and Social Hierarchies,” Utopian and Dystopian Literatures Conference, New York University, New York, NY, April 11.

2009. “Empowering Feminist Fabulation: Drawing Together Genre Criticism Further Frees Female Form,” Projection: Speculating on Presence, Absence, and Nonsense Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, March 6.

2008. “Queering Browning’s ‘The Laboratory’: Revealing the Dangers of Female Masculinity to Victorian Patriarchy,” Shifting Tides, Anxious Borders: A Graduate Conference on Nineteenth Century Transatlanticism, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, November 7-8.


2024. “Episode 16: When You Need Lots of Images in Your Book,” Writing It! The Podcast About Academics & Writing, interviewed by Rachel Gordan. January 29. Link.

2024. “Is P*rn Feminist? Revisiting the 1980s Anti-P*rn and Sex Wars w/ Dr. Margaret Galvan,” The Ivory Tower Boiler Room, interviewed by Andew Rimby. January 23. Link.

2024. “Comics, Visual Culture, and Feminism in the 1980s,” UMP Podcast, interviewed by Ramzi Fawaz and Anna Peppard. January 17. Link.

2023. “Margaret Galvan travels between visual archives to sense how memory is preserved & proscribed,” Pretty Heady Stuff, interviewed by Scott Stoneman. December 1. Link.

2023. “Visibility.” High Theory Podcast, interviewed by Kim Adams. October 7. Link.

2023. “In Visible Archives.” New Books Network Podcast, interviewed by Jen Hoyer. September 16. Link.

2021. Peppard, Anna, Christopher “Mav” Maverick, and J. Andrew Deman. “Excalibur #13: ‘The Marriage of True Minds’.” Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, Oh Wow! Podcast. May 22. Link.

2019. Gagliano, Gina and Alison Wilgus. “Graphic Novel TK Episode 31: Comics Academia.” Graphic Novel TK Podcast at The Beat. July 11. Link.

Press Coverage

2024    Goodman, Elyssa. “From Vaginal Davis to Voxigma Lo, These 6 Zines Offer a Tour Through Drag History.” them. June 19. Link.

2023. “Decidedly Non-Commercial: Zines, Zinesters and Queer Community” interview, GLBT Historical Society Newsletter, October. Link.

2022. Davidson, Corinne. “Animating Queerness Through Representation.” Trash Mag. November 8. Link.

2022. James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center Newsletter, San Francisco Public Library, March. Link.

2022. “Access & Archives: A Researcher’s Roundtable.” Archeion: Journal of Queer Archives, Stonewall National Museum & Archives, February. 16-23. Link.

2021. Spotts, Kaitlyn. “Comics Education in Conversation: Margaret Galvan.” Random House Graphic. May 14. Link.

2018. Oyola, Osvaldo. “The (re)Collection Agency #10: A Conversation with Margaret Galvan.” The Middle Spaces. November 6. Link.

2018. Oyola, Osvaldo. “Mind the Gaps 2018! The First Annual CSS Conference.” The Middle Spaces. August 28. Link.

2017. Oyola, Osvaldo. “The International Comics Art Forum 2017.” The Middle Spaces. November 21. Link.

2017. Weisenstein, Kara. “This Comic About Drag Queens with Superpowers Kicks Ass.” VICE. September 20. Link.

Service & Organizations

2024 – present. Board of Directors, Member, Sequential Artists Workshop (SAW), Gainesville, FL.

Fall 2023. Grant Reviewer, Humanities Grant Writing Workshop, The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, University of Florida.

2023 – present. Senior Fellow, Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography (SoFCB) at Rare Book School (RBS), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

2023 – present. Executive Committee, Member-at-Large, The International Comic Arts Forum.

2023 – present. Merit Pay Committee, Department of English, University of Florida.

2022 – present. Graduate Studies Admissions Committee, Department of English, University of Florida.

Spring 2022. Humanities Grant Review Panelist, Awards to Louisiana Artists and Scholars (ATLAS), Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund.

Fall 2021. Grant Review Panelist, Humanities Collections and Reference Resources, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

2019 – present. Advisory Board, Encapsulations: Critical Comics Studies series with University of Nebraska Press.

2018 – 2021. Graduate Studies Committee, Department of English, University of Florida.

2018 – 2020. Merit Pay Committee, Department of English, University of Florida.

2018 – 2019. Search Committee for Digital Writing/Writing Studies, Department of English, University of Florida.

2018 – present. Faculty Advisor, Gator Comics, University of Florida.

2018 – 2023. Executive Committee for Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum, Modern Language Association (MLA).

2017 – 2020. Advisory Board, The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, University of Florida.

2017 – 2018. Undergraduate Studies Committee, Department of English, University of Florida.

2012 – 2013. English Program representative, Graduate Council, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2012 – 2013. Co-chair, English Student Association, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2012 – 2013. Faculty Membership Committee, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2011 – 2012. Information Technology Committee, Graduate Council, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2011 – 2013. English Program representative, Doctoral Students’ Council, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2011 – 2012. Executive Committee, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2010 – 2012. Student Tech Fee Committee, Doctoral Students’ Council, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2010 – 2011. Admissions Committee, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2009 – 2010. Website Committee, English Student Association, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

2009 – 2010. Cultural Affairs Grant Committee, Doctoral Students’ Council, The Graduate Center, CUNY. New York, NY.

2009 – 2011. At-large representative, Doctoral Students’ Council, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY.

Journal Peer Review

Contemporary Literature
Feminist Media Histories

GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
InMedia: The French Journal of Media Studies
The Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy
Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society

Professional Memberships

American Studies Association (ASA)
Comics Studies Society (CSS)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA)
Research Society for American Periodicals (RSAP)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography (SoFCB)

Languages & Skills

French, Spanish.

Technology Expertise – Adobe Dreamweaver, InDesign, and Photoshop; Canva; Canvas, Blackboard and other LMS; command line; cPanel, MySQL, and WebHost Manager (WHM); CSS; Gephi; GitHub; HTML; MAMP; Microsoft Office; PHP; video conferencing software; WordPress.